Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Wow, it's been a crazy week. As the kids get older, each one has their own Halloween Festivities. Last weekend, Grammy and Tara came up and we went to the Rio Rancho Fire Station for some Halloween Fun. On Monday we had a Trunk or Treat with the Mom's Club. On Tuesday we celebrated my birthday and Logan had a Fall Party at his preschool. Wednesday I had parent/teacher conferece for Luci, which went well. And today, I went to Luci's preschool for her Halloween Party. And right now, Brant is taking Luci and Logan trick or treating in the neighborhood. Here is Luci's class at Shining Stars Preschool. Having fun at the Trunk or Treat.
Logan at the pumpkin patch at Mesa View Christian Preschool.
Grammy, Tara, Levi and Logan at the Fire Station.
And finally, a family pic. :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Buddies

This is the first time I've actually bought the boys matching shirts. I love it and will have to do it more often. :) Logan is enjoying Levi more now that he is mobile and interactive! Logan is used to having Luci around, but when she's at preschool he loves playing with Levi...and much to my surprise Logan is pretty gentle with him. Kisses for baby.
Catching a smile at the same time was difficult!
But, they are still adorable!
My little Halloween Buddies!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Picnic at the Park

The weather is beautiful and I surprised the kids with a picnic at the park after preschool one day last week. Even after living here one year we are still trying out new parks. We love them all. The photos aren't that great...but it's still documentation of what we've been up to. Three kids on one blanket...that lasted about 3 seconds! :) Luci Goose
Ornery Logee
Cutie Levi
First time playing on the slide...he loved it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy 9 Months Levi

Wow, 9 months, time is just flying by with this little guy. He is now 24lbs, 12oz (90%) and 29 1/2 inches (75%). He crawls EVERYWHERE and can even crawl when wearing his foot abduction brace. He now has 5 teeth and has the cutest chubby legs! He chews on everything!
And he loves this tunnel.
What a cutie pie!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fennen Family Visits

I can't figure out how to post more than 5 pics in one post, so a double post today...making up for lost time I guess. We haven't seen our friends since last October when we moved away and it was GREAT to get together again! Here are all 5 kids at the Albuquerque Aquarium...Carson, Colin, Luci, Logan, Levi. And baby Levi, always so content in his stroller. :)
Luci and Colin had soooooo much fun together. Of course, Logan adored having a big boy in the house too.
And the 2 of them are so cute together.
Aren't they the cutest super hero's you've ever seen?
Miss ya already, Catherine! :)

Balloon Fiesta

Well, it's a good thing that balloons fly over our house on a daily basis, as in this photo below, because Balloon Fiesta was a bust this year due to weather. We were bummed that the Special Shapes Glowdeo got cancelled due to winds, but we still went and had a good time with our friends (The Fennen Family) visiting from Arizona. Luci and Colin pose for a picture on the basket of the Wells Fargo Wagon Balloon.
They enjoyed seeing and hearing the fire.
And they really liked the fireworks!
Love this pic of Luci and Logan with Daddy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's October!!!

I can't believe it's already October...a full week into October and I haven't even been on the blog! Luci and Logan had fun doing this witch pumpkin. I loved it because it was easy and there wasn't a mess to clean up! :) We went to a birthday party this weekend for one of Logan's friends from preschool. Kinda funny to have a 3yr old party at a night club, but the parents owned it and the kids had a great time with the disco lights and loud music. Levi loved the balloons!
And a rare pic of me with some kiddos...usually I'm the one behind the camera!
Will write more soon, off to watch the presidential debate. Go OBAMA!